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Friday, October 3, 2014

Some Guidelines for Voting in the Mid Terms; What candidates need to do to get my vote!

The Republican, Democrat or Independent Candidate needs to do the following to capture my vote in November:

1. Declare a flat tax; eliminate all the subtractions including the mortgage exemption. K street exists primarily to get tax breaks for their constituents. Kill the source.
2. Tell us the 10 programs that will cut or eliminated; prefer the latter.
3. Come out for declaring Jerusalem an International City; both Israel and the Palestinians can make it their capitol, cutting the embassy expense in half for all nations who otherwise would have to have two embassies.   
4. Move the United Nations out of New York to the new International City in Jerusalem. This way all the diplomats will be on the "factory floor" for most of their work. Most of us have to live close to our work.
5. Develop a strategy that allows us to stop tampering with the world. For example, the problems we have in the Middle East can be traced back to the attempts of the British and French to create spheres of influence in the Middle East after defeating the Ottoman Empire in 1916. The so-called Sykes–Picot Agreement ignored the promises made to the Arabs through Colonel T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia); a national Arab homeland was promised in the area of Greater Syria, in exchange for their alliance with the British against the Ottoman Empire.
The illusion of creating nation-states where tribal communities dominate has been a continuing problem since 1916. Political leaders and others in the West have a bad habit of projecting on to tribal people their own values; for example, an interest in democracy. Dr. Michael Maccoby has developed a diagram that shows the continuum of the development of social character for a society. From Figure 1, you can see that as tribalism dominates it can slide toward human pathology, especially when driven by a 13th Century ideology and the fact that the tribes have been lied to for a century.
Figure 1: Social Character Continuum
6. Once we have a strategy for minding our own business and fixing our own problems, question why we need 900 military bases around the world in this day and age of jet travel. A few strategic bases yes; We no longer need to occupy Germany but we do need to fix Detroit and a few other bankrupt cities in the US. Moving the troops from Europe to our border would be good for security and the local economy; troops buying breakfast burritos in El Paso as opposed to apple strudel in Germany.
This would be a good start...